Tuesday, February 24, 2009

First Gathering

Our first gathering is scheduled for Friday, Feburary 27th at 11:00am. The plan is to make anti-princess shirts, and to celebrate Novi's 3rd birthday! Please bring a potluck dish to share with the group.


  1. Hi all,

    I just wanted to give you the head's-up that Brynn is very sick. She came down with the flu on Sunday. :( I have no idea whether she'll be feeling better on Friday, and there's also the issue of germiness at our house, so I wanted to see if maybe we should choose another location? Or we could play it by ear and make a decision on Thursday...or just reschedule for another date.

    Let me know what you think -


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  3. I think we should postpone to possibly next Friday to give Brynn (and you) a chance to fully recover. While I know that there will be times that dates/times do not work for everyone, I think since you initiated this great group, that you should be at the first meeting:)

  4. Next Friday is fine with me; Brynn is still coughing terribly (and seems like it would work better for Christy & Novi as well) but we'd have to do it after 12:00 because we have school/work til 11:45.

    I'm pretty sure we're going to be missing out on Leslie and Marie's company by postponing, though, but they'll have a pretty solid excuse. ;)

  5. Next Friday afternoon works for Novi and me. Ideal time would be 1ish. We can be flexible though. Later afternoon would work as well...

  6. the time may get us due to Leena's nap, so just make a majority decision and we will see if it would work for us. I could do later in the day better then around 1.

  7. OK so just to confirm, we are cancelling tomorrow and will meet sometime on Friday the 6th instead!

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